Financial Support

The work of the Gospel and Our Culture Network depends on financial contributions from individuals, churches, denominational units, and grant-making organizations.  From time to time, major research and writing projects of the network have been underwritten by generous grants from foundations such as the Lilly Endowment and The Pew Charitable Trusts. Sources such as these are not available, however, for the ongoing day-to-day expense of developing and sustaining key initiatives:

  • Annual Forum on Missional Hermeneutics: sustaining collaborative work among biblical and theological scholars in AAR and SBL to give cultivate in the academy the implications of missional perspective for biblical interpretation.
  • expanding the capacity of the GOCN website for critical reflection on the missional life and witness of the church in North America.
  • The Gospel and Our Culture Series (Eerdmans) and Missiological Engagements (InterVarsity Academic: seeking and preparing for publication book manuscripts that make important contributions to the missionary encounter of the gospel with our North American culture and cultures.

Considerable financial resources are required for gathering teams of people committed to working together on these initiatives, giving place to key voices who have insight to offer, developing online and print resources, hosting consultations and workshops that cultivate missional vision and practice, providing these efforts with administrative support, and generally keeping alive important conversations that nourish faithfulness to the call of Christ. The network welcomes new Partners to join others who have sustained the GOCN in the past. If y ou, or an institution of which you are a part, desire to join in this form of partnership, contact John Franke at [email protected]. Your partnership helps to ensure that the network will continue to thrive as it fulfills its calling…

  • To provide useful research regarding the encounter between the gospel and our culture.
  • To encourage local action for transformation in the life and witness of the church.