The next GOCN Forum on Missional Hermeneutics will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, this November, during the Annual Meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion (November 18-21).
FIRST SESSION (Saturday, 9-11:30 am):
GOCN Forum on Missional Hermeneutics
Session Number: M18-115
Roundtable Consultation: “Whither Missional Hermeneutics?” (Session 1)
Whitter Room, Park Plaza Hotel
After more than a decade of research presentations and conversations dedicated to exploring, proposing, discussing, and evaluating the emerging framework and practices of a critical missional hermeneutics, members of the steering committee of the GOCN Forum on Missional Hermeneutics will hold two roundtable panel discussions on the past, present, and future prospects of missional hermeneutics. Everyone attending the AAR/SBL meetings is warmly invited to participate in the conversations.
John R. Franke, Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis presiding, 5 mins
George Hunsberger, Western Theological Seminary, panelist, 20 mins
James Brownson, Western Theological Seminary, panelist, 20 mins
Lois Barrett, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, panelist, 10 mins
Bo H. Lim, Seattle Pacific University, panelist, 10 mins
Andy Johnson, Nazarene Theological Seminary, panelist, 10 mins
Break, 5 mins
Discussion, 50 mins
Business Meeting, 20 mins
SECOND SESSION (Saturday, 4-6:30 pm):
GOCN Forum on Missional Hermeneutics
Session Number: M18-308
Roundtable Consultation: “Whither Missional Hermeneutics?” (Session 2)
Whitter Room, Park Plaza Hotel
After more than a decade of presentations and conversations dedicated to exploring, proposing, discussing, and evaluating the emerging framework and practices of a critical missional hermeneutics, members of the steering committee of the GOCN Forum on Missional Hermeneutics will hold two roundtable panel discussions on the past, present, and future prospects of missional hermeneutics. Everyone attending the AAR/SBL meetings is warmly invited to participate in the conversations.
Jim Brownson, Western Theological Seminary, presiding, 5 mins
Michael Barram, Saint Mary’s College of California, panelist, 20 mins
John Franke, Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, panelist, 20 mins
Dennis R. Edwards, Sanctuary Covenant Church, panelist, 10 mins
Christina Busman Jost, Bethel University, panelist, 10 mins
Colin H. Yuckman, Duke University, panelist, 10 mins
Break, 5 mins
Discussion, 50 mins
Business Meeting, 20 mins
THIRD SESSION (Monday, 1-3:30 pm):
GOCN Forum on Missional Hermeneutics
Session Number: M20-200
Session Theme: “Missional Hermeneutics: Navigating Citizenship”
Clarendon Room, Park Plaza Hotel
Papers in this session critically engage one or more biblical texts relevant to varied ‘citizenship’ identities, exploring how biblical texts invite and equip readers to negotiate missionally the competing or mutual claims of their political and religious identities. Of particular interest are notions of citizenship itself (e.g., residency; legal status; national belonging; affiliation), whether ancient or contemporary.
Michael Barram, Saint Mary’s College of California, presiding, 5 mins
Mark Glanville, Missional Training Center, Phoenix “‘Citizenship’ and Inclusion in Deuteronomy and in
Contemporary Western Discourse”, 20 mins
Amanda Pittman, Abilene Christian University
“Shipwreck and Salvation: The Scope, Shape, and Social Implications of Paul’s Confidence in God’s Purposes in Acts 27:1-44”, 20 mins
Discussion, 30 mins
Break, 5 mins
Dennis Edwards, Sanctuary Covenant Church “Citizens Worthy of the Gospel”, 20 mins
Julien C. H. Smith, Valparaiso University
“Philippians and the Challenge of Citizenship in the Heavenly Politeuma.”, 20 mins
Discussion, 30 mins