A Response at SBL to Hunsberger’s “Proposals…” Essay


[Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, Massachusetts, November 22, 2008] I am grateful to George Hunsberger for his very helpful summary of a wide range of research. He has provided us with some useful categories for further reflection on "missional hermeneutics." I find George’s framework to be a helpful one, which summarizes an enormous … Read More

A Response at AAR to Hunsberger’s “Proposals…” Essay


[Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Chicago, Illinois, November 1, 2008] Let me begin by thanking George for this very thoughtful and stimulating paper, which admirably summarizes, critiques, and synthesizes the presentations and proposals made in these "missional hermeneutic" sessions over the past six years. I find his reading and assessment of the hermeneutical "streams" … Read More

Proposals for a Missional Hermeneutic: Mapping the Conversation


It is Sabbath year. Perhaps Jubilee year! The first three days of this creation week of gatherings at AAR/SBL were at breakfast. Our host was Tyndale Seminary of Toronto, and its then Academic Dean Jeff Greenman, a man with imagination and vision! (He has even larger visions about theological education waiting to be fulfilled!) Those three early morning (7:30am!) breakfast … Read More